miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

About me

I studied Computer Science at Universidad de os Andes, and later got a M.Sc. in Computer Science in the same university. In both opportunities, for my thesis projects, I worked with Germán Bravo (Universidad de los Andes) and Carlos Lora (Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza). I was interested then in Geographic Information Systems supporting natural parks management and biodiversity conservation. I also worked as a lecturer for about 10 years; as teaching is one of my main interests, I did a Specialization on Education, particularly education in universities. I am currently doing a PhD at Universitat Jaumé I. 

Now, I am working on Semantic Web, Linked Open Data, and Life Sciences. I started working on it in 2008, when I participated in the Elsevier Grand Challenge with a project titled “A tale of two cities in the land of serendipity: The semantic web and the social web heading towards a living document in life sciences”; we were a young team and still managed to got it as one of the ten semifinalists. I guess at that time I decided to move from Ecology to Semantic Web. Maybe later in my life I will have the opportunity to work again in a project related to biodiversity and environment issues, will see. As part of my current research, I have collaborated to the Annotation Ontology project, and the Open Annotation initiative. I also work on bioinformatics, particularly on visualization of biological data, for more information please visit BioJS GitHub repository.

One of my major achievements is Biotea, an RDFization of PubMed Central Open Access articles. Biotea also provides semantic annotations to biological entities. More information can be found at Biotea GitHub repository. Some more information can be also found at http://bioteaws.blogspot.com and http://www.biotea.ws/